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The development of beauty salon services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
The advancement of excellence salon administrations - Essay Example The idea of excellence salons began back in the times of antiquated h...
Friday, November 29, 2019
Snows of Kilimanjaro Immortality at the Summit Essay Example
Snows of Kilimanjaro Immortality at the Summit Paper Mr. Callaghan ENG 4U 2011-10-27 Immortality at the Summit The story The Snows of Kilimanjaro is set in Africa where the characters are on a hunting trip. When the bearing on their truck breaks it leaves them unfortunately stranded. While on the trip Harry, the protagonist, acquires gangrene after he failed to apply iodine following the infection of a thorn scratch. The gangrene is eating away his leg and Harry is dying. Harry and his wife, Helen, are waiting for a rescue plane to come and save them but it is late. Harry can sense his death coming. This is when the realization sets in that he has run out of time and all the writing he planned to do will never get accomplished. As Harry lies on his death bed he experiences flashbacks of his life. All his flashbacks consist of great opportune moments where he could have written amazing stories but did not. He realizes he has failed as a writer and wasted his talent through his procrastination. Knowing he will die before morning he goes to sleep and dreams that the rescue plane has come to the camp and flies him to the top of Mountain Kilimanjaro where the summit is referred to as The House of God because a leopards carcass was discovered, frozen, at the top where it will be forever frozen, preserved and exist forever. Helen awakes in the night and goes over to him but he has passed away. I enjoyed Ernest Hemingways short story, The Snows of Kilimanjaro. I found it to be a unique and enjoyable story. We will write a custom essay sample on Snows of Kilimanjaro Immortality at the Summit specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Snows of Kilimanjaro Immortality at the Summit specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Snows of Kilimanjaro Immortality at the Summit specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Hemingway is a very creative writer and in this story he covers all three writing styles as he plays the roles of a story teller, enchanter and a teacher. He is a storyteller because as Harry dies he recalls and highlights for the reader several memories that tell tales of his journey through life. Hemingway is also a teacher because he teaches lessons in the book. As Harry lay dying after reminiscing about his flash back he regrets the way he was unable to record the stories of his life on paper. The lesson Hemingway teaches in this story is to live your life without regrets. Hemingway plays the role of the enchanter because he turns a rather boring story line into an intriguing and great short story. Harry lies dying in his cot where he doesnt move the entire story. The way Hemingway adds the flashbacks, his powerful and realistic use of dialogue, symbolism, and the dream at the end help transform this story from a basic and boring idea of a man who lie dying into a brilliant story. During this reading I developed sympathy for Harrys wife, Helen. Harry treats her very badly. Helen is a caring and kind person and he is very rude to her as he says things like â€Å"You bitch, you ritch bitch†(Hemingway 254) to her. She is willing to do anything he wants because she enjoys doing things that he enjoys. Harry says hurtfully to Helen he does not love her and he implies she has been used in their marriage for her wealth when Harry says â€Å"Your damned money was my armour†(Hemingway 253). It bothers me that Harry could be so rude and disrespectful to his wife when she has been so caring and loving towards him. Helen deserved a much better husband than Harry. Another thing I liked from Hemingways story is his interesting use of symbolism through animals. In the story he uses the location of the vultures to correlate Harrys physical well being. Vultures started circling in the sky and as Harry weakens they moved to the ground. When death creeps even closer more vultures came. Hemingway uses a special writing style for Harrys flashbacks. He replaces several commas with â€Å"ands†with the aim of creating run on sentences. This style makes the reader feel as if they can visualize Harrys memories flashing quickly before their own eyes. â€Å"The Snows of Kilimanjaro†is an appealing story. It is well written and draws the reader in. Hemingways writing style is sure to attract and please many readers. Exploring some of Hemingways other works would certainly be worthwhile.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on E-Banking
E-Banking E-banking (electronic banking) is the wave of the future. It provides enormous benefits to consumers –in terms of the ease and cost of transactions– and banks –in terms of new business opportunities. However, it also poses new challenges for country authorities in regulating and supervising the financial system and in designing and implementing macroeconomic policies. E-banking has been around for some time in the form of automatic teller machines (ATMs) and telephone transactions. More recently, it has been transformed by the Internet. This newest channel for banking services is the focus of this report. With e-banking access is fast, convenient, and available around the clock, whatever the customer’s location. Plus, services are provided more efficiently and at substantially lower costs. Comparing bank services and products is made easier and therefore competition is increased, allowing banks to penetrate new markets. It is even an opportunity for countries with underdeveloped financial systems to leapfrog developmental stages. The flip side to this technological boom in e-banking is the exacerbation of some of the risks involved in traditional banking, particularly governance, legal, operational, and reputational. Trends in E-banking E-banking is rapidly gaining ground; with more and more banks operating websites through which customers are able not only to inquire about account balances and interest and exchange rates but also to conduct a range of transactions. To date, most banks have combined the new electronic delivery channels with traditional "brick banks" creating "brick and click banks". However, a small number of banks offer their products and services predominantly, or only, through electronic distribution channels. These "virtual" or "internet-only" banks do not have a branch network but might have a physical presence, for example, an administrative office or non-branch facilities like kiosks... Free Essays on E-Banking Free Essays on E-Banking E-Banking E-banking (electronic banking) is the wave of the future. It provides enormous benefits to consumers –in terms of the ease and cost of transactions– and banks –in terms of new business opportunities. However, it also poses new challenges for country authorities in regulating and supervising the financial system and in designing and implementing macroeconomic policies. E-banking has been around for some time in the form of automatic teller machines (ATMs) and telephone transactions. More recently, it has been transformed by the Internet. This newest channel for banking services is the focus of this report. With e-banking access is fast, convenient, and available around the clock, whatever the customer’s location. Plus, services are provided more efficiently and at substantially lower costs. Comparing bank services and products is made easier and therefore competition is increased, allowing banks to penetrate new markets. It is even an opportunity for countries with underdeveloped financial systems to leapfrog developmental stages. The flip side to this technological boom in e-banking is the exacerbation of some of the risks involved in traditional banking, particularly governance, legal, operational, and reputational. Trends in E-banking E-banking is rapidly gaining ground; with more and more banks operating websites through which customers are able not only to inquire about account balances and interest and exchange rates but also to conduct a range of transactions. To date, most banks have combined the new electronic delivery channels with traditional "brick banks" creating "brick and click banks". However, a small number of banks offer their products and services predominantly, or only, through electronic distribution channels. These "virtual" or "internet-only" banks do not have a branch network but might have a physical presence, for example, an administrative office or non-branch facilities like kiosks...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Team Dynamics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Team Dynamics - Essay Example Teams enable employees to exploit their potential and therefore increase job performance. A team consists of members with diverse experience, skills and qualification, cultures and business backgrounds. To an organization, this translates into potential for success. However, as (Cranny, Smith, & Stone, 1992) notes team building process is a challenging process that can present numerous challenges to the management.However teams have disadvantages such as reduced independence of talented and capable workers, social loafing as well as bureaucracy hence time wastage (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2005). Tajfel, and Turner, (1979) classifies teams into functional teams which consist only of members drawn from various departments, self-managed teams which are formed to meet some specific goals and objectives and function with little or no supervision, task forces are teams constituted to oversee completion of specific projects, while process improvement teams are comprised of experts as well as technocrats in a given field.Formation of working teams presents the following challenges to leaders; establishing strong team leadership, difficulty in establishing positive interpersonal relationships, fear of the teams failing to meet set goals which translates to wasted resources as well as the possibility of members of the team failing to adopt well into the team. These challenges lead to conflicts in the group. As (Cote, & Morgan, 2002) notes, conflicts are not necessarily detrimental to the success of the organization.Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
HR Factors that Affect Quality of Customer Service in the Banking Essay - 1
HR Factors that Affect Quality of Customer Service in the Banking Industry in the UAE (National Bank of Abu Dhabi) part 2 - Essay Example This factor become and acts as a challenge for the businesses which gives customer satisfaction a lot of emphasis. There have been different studies in the past that has aimed at studying the minds of the customers however still date the minds of the customers has remained a mystery. In the present study the aim to study the customer satisfaction of the customers of the banks of United Arab Emirates. In particular the study focuses on the customer satisfaction of the customers of national bank of Abu Dhabi. In analyzing the factors behind the customer satisfaction and the quality of customer service provided by the employees of the bank the role of human resource in particular is identified. The study is aimed at studying if the human resource factors at all determine the quality of service provided by the employees of the bank to the customers. In order to understand the function of hr in ensuring that the quality of customer service is upheld the research focuses to study the matte r both on the qualitative and quantitative lines. As process of trying to find the impact the research first tries to find out the view of different researchers regarding the issue. After doing the literature review in order to analyze the view point of different researchers on the matter the next step that has been taken to carry the research forward is to analyze the primary data that is collected through survey of the customers to understand whether the customers are satisfied with the quality of the customer service provided by the banks. After analysis of the customer service that the bank provides to the customers of the bank the factors of the human resource and the effect that human resource has on the quality of service that the employees of the bank provides to the customers of the bank. As per the research it is found out that the lack
Monday, November 18, 2019
How Convincing is the distinction Dewey makes in A Common Faith Essay
How Convincing is the distinction Dewey makes in A Common Faith between 'religion' and 'religious' - Essay Example The development of such beliefs thus developed the concept of religion. Dewey explains that religion is set of cultural systems that provides for the type of relationship that exists between humans and their creator. As a cultural system, Dewey explains that religion has a set of rules and guidelines that influence the nature of the relationship that exist between humans and their supernatural beings. As such, religion is not a liberal concept since it has specific ways of behavior and communication that exists between man and his creator. Historical religions had ways of forgiving sins and seeking the intervention of the supernatural being in cases where the humans were in need. The unique characteristic that compels humans to eat particular foods, dress in particular manner and adopt particular postures during worship make religion dogmatic thus cultural. In his distinction between religion and â€Å"religious†Dewey observes that the society is dynamic, the fact that culture changes should influence the nature of religions thus resulting in the creation of equally dynamic religions that will consider the societal factors and features prevalent at specific times. In his argument, it bec omes retrogressive to confine people to a particular way of doing things while there are other evidently better ways of doing the same things. Dewey thus advises for the development of a religious society instead of a society that ascribes to religions. In fostering his campaign, Dewey asserts that the need to infuse faith and beliefs in religion is vital since it helps link individual to the supernatural being without necessarily having to undertake dogmatic cultural features. Faith is a belief; Dewey thus explains that the most vital belief hat every religion propagates is the existence of a supernatural being who is deserving of praise
Saturday, November 16, 2019
NORM Management Process Cycle
NORM Management Process Cycle Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) at ADNCO, Management Procedure and Measurements Ahmed AL Azeezi Contents Introduction: Literature review: Methodology Findings: Conclusion and Recommendation Figure 1: Penetration power of ionizing radiation Figure 2: NORM exposure routes Figure 3: NORM Management Process Cycle, enhanced (more details) chart Figure 4: Norm Program strategy Figure 5:900 series mini monitor probe type 44A Table 1 : Units of Radioactivity and Radiation Levels Table 2: Types of Radiation Table 3: NORM Area Classification for Non-Classified workers Introduction: Nowadays, Oil GAS industry is having a lot on challenges because of the complexity of this industry and the interaction with the other aspects such as the earth cosmic properties. However, one of the most important aspect for the oil gas is Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM). These materials are having a negative effect on the humane body and the environment which required to have a strict procedure to control such materials in production of the oil until handing these the concentered NORMs during the transportation from one point to another. In this report, I will be covering the definition of the NORMs and how it can be detected on the process side with a real measurement example. Also, if these materials are present, how can we mitigate these effect of exposure to the radioactive materials? According of the ADNCO Code of practice (COPV2-09). Literature review: NORMs are covering all the naturally occurring radionuclides and presenting at different concentrations in the earth crust. Moreover, these materials can be enhanced in the concentration due to the process accumulation which is associated with the recovery of oil and gas such as separators reflux pumps. This enhancement process of NORMs called TENORM (Technologically-Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials). The sludge, pipe scales and drilling mud are an examples of materials which can contained the elevated levels of NORMs. There are two main types of NORM contamination at Oil GAS industry which are Radium and Radon (Rn-222) contaminations. The Radium is existing in water and low specific activity scale. Moreover, the radon is usually found on natural gas production wells. Furthermore, there are two systems of measuring of radioactivity and radiation levels, which are international system (SI) and the traditional US unites with its conversion factors between them as shown in the below table: Application SI units US units-Old system Conversion Factors Radioactivity Becquerel (Bq) Picocuire (pCi) 1Bq=27pCi Concentration Becquerel/Gram (Bq/g) Picocurie/gram (pCi/g) 1Bq/g=27pCi/g Surface Activity Bq/100 cm2 Disintegrations per minute/ 100cm2 (dpm/100cm2 ) 1Bq/100cm2= 60dpm/100cm2 Exposure Coulomb/kilogram (C/Kg) Roentgen (R) 1C/KG= 3876R Dose Equivalent Sievert (Sv) Rem 1sev=100Rem Table 1 : Units of Radioactivity and Radiation Levels NORM can be divided in three types of radiation as shown below: Radiation types Definition Health Hazards Controls Alpha Particles (ÃŽ ±) -Ra-226 -U-238 -Po-210 -Pb-210 Radiation is made up of heavy, charged penetrate that cannot penetrate very fare, even in air Internal health hazards through inhalation, ingestion and absorption exposure routes skin Beta particles(ÃŽ ²) -Ran-228 -Pb-210 -Bi-210 Radiation consists of lighter charged particles than alpha particles that travel faster and are thus more penetrating than alpha radiation. Internal health hazards through inhalation, ingestion and absorption exposure routes Shielded by thin layer of metal or plastic Gamma rays (Y) -Ra-226 -Pb-210 Radiation consists of high energy rays and is very penetrating External health hazard to human bodies Shielded by thick layers of led or other dense materials including meter of concrete or several meters of water. Table 2: Types of Radiation Figure 1: Penetration power of ionizing radiation On the other hand, the health effect of these NORMs are vary with four factors which are: Total amount of energy absorbed Exposure duration Dose rate Particular organ exposed. The exposure to the NORM is not comparable with the man-made sources such as the X-Ray. A chronic exposure to these NORM without using any PPE (personal protection equipment) which is adequate to the existing radiation increases the likelihood of gaining cancer. During oil gas processing stage, the TENORM will be accumulated on two different forms as shown below: NORM in Scale Radium, one of the naturally occurring nuclides in the uranium decay series co-precipitates with strontium, barium or calcium as sulphates or carbonates and deposit on the internal surfaces of the oil and gas facilities. The formation of the scales eventually effects the integrity of the equipment, vessels and pipelines and consequentially reduces the capacity of the process facility. NORM in Sludge and Scrapings Radionuclides, mainly radium are found in sludge, produced sand and produced water. Other nuclides such as lead 210 and polonium 210 can also be found in pipeline scrapings and the sludge accumulation in lower level of the tank of gas oil separators, dehydration vessels and pipeline scrapings. Figure: 2 illustrate the NORM exposure routes to the human body as shown below. Figure 2: NORM exposure routes Referring to ADNOC COPV2-09, the NORM management process cycle has been developed and illustrated as shown below chart: Figure 3: NORM Management Process Cycle, enhanced (more details) chart The NORM management process cycle is giving a workflow how can we handle these materials if it is detected on the Oil Gas process, which basically is having an actions and controls to eliminate the effect of these radioactive to the workers, public and the environment and make it As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA). Thus, before implementing the management process cycle, NORM Management Strategy was establish to make the process cycle more effective and it is consist of five keys area as follow : NORM Survey and Monitoring Workers protection and Training Control of NORM contaminated equipment Control of NORM Waste Development of NORM Management procedure. Figure 4: Norm Program strategy For any newly finished oil / gas producer well, the initial (baseline) survey shall be conducted for NORM and if the result is positive more controls and actions shall be implemented through the NORM management process cycle. Radiation Protection officer (RPO) shall be certified and having adequate competency to locate assess the radioactive on-site. The normal duties of workers don’t include exposure to NORM radiation. They are considered as members of the public. The ADNOC limit on effective dose received by any employee, shall be not exceeding the 50mSv in any single year during with a 100mSv over the 5 years. Otherwise, the worker with more dose than 50mSv/year shall be consider as classified radiation workers. Those workers shall have a periodic medical surveillance in order to insure the fitness and health. Moreover, the location/equipment can be classified in to three zones depending on the dosing values as shown below table: Dose ( µSv/Hr) Definition Requirements Unrestricted Area -Normal Work Permits -Basic Approved PPE -Good Hygiene 0.5 – 1.5 NORM supervised Area -Work to be supervised by PRO -Use NORM applicable PPE(according to standard EN 149 FFP3) -Control public access by PRO -Demarcation with warning NORM sign -Train workers -Monitor NORM levels before and after work completion -inform HSE focal points -Permit to work required 1.5 – 4.5 NORM Controlled Area (restricted) -Stop the work -inform line manager and PRO for further instruction -Control worker access b PRO -Demarcation with warning NORM sign -if dose rate exceed 4.5 µSv/hr, workers exposure must be controlled below the annual exposure of doe rate of 20  µSv. Table 3: NORM Area Classification for Non-Classified workers Methodology Hence, the NORM measurement can done through two types, either by field or laboratory measurements and both of have its own requirements and conditions. However, in this report, the field measurement will be carrying for a gamma radiation in different locations. So, the instrument was used for this measurement is the 900 series mini monitor probe type 44A in counts per seconds-cps. This meter is a very sensitive gamma rays and it is detecting the radiation as a number not level concentration. The methodology of the survey as presented below steps: Carry out initial survey beyond the site boundary to measure background radiation levels in cps using contamination meter as mention above. Hold the probe close to the surface to be surveyed, moving slowly over the area noting any response from the contamination meter and compare the background levels. If the measured radiation levels are found twice the back ground levels, measure dose-rate ( µSv/h) at a distance of 1 meter from the contaminated equipment using the dose rate mete. Measure NORM at different positions of potential NORM contaminated equipment at three different heights and average of the three readings at each height. When surveying cylindrical shape, the inside of the pipe should always be checked by placing the probe a few centimeters inside each end and record the results. Figure 5:900 series mini monitor probe type 44A Findings: The process of measuring the NORM was done by a expert third party (M/s Aberdeen Radiation Protection Services) in different locations at upstream of the oil and gas well producer, but the below table is showing only the risky data which required to have a more analysis on the amount of the gamma radiation emitted at these points. Area 1 Plant No1 Location Value of measurement Produced water pump pipe work. 100 cps Max. External surface of empty storage tank 30 cps Inside this tank adjacent to manhole entrance 200 cps External surface of base of Separator V0311 200-300 cps External surface of base of Separator V0312 140 cps Open drain Grill 30 cps Area 1, 12 well inlet at manifold Background reading, No radiation External surface test separator 110 cps All the reading are in counts per second and most of them are above 100 counts which is reflecting that it is required to have more analysis by using external dose rate meter to know the exact concentration and exposure dose to surrounding which can be emitted. Moreover, the laboratory measurement shall be one of the option to have more details by using the radiometric analysis device. Conclusion and Recommendation To sum up, the naturally occurring radioactive material are associated with oil and gas industry which shall be controlled in order to reduce the negative effect on the workers, public environment. The process of evaluating the NORM (specially the baseline) is very critical and it can be led to catastrophe condition if the outcomes are not reflecting the actual situations. This finding of Gamma rays in our case are indicating there is an industrial hygiene issue to the worker which required to have more control on the PPE and exposure duration. However, these reading are located mostly on oil separation side (upstream), however, the downstream, gas processing industry is very important point to be assessed which was missed during the third party assessment at upstream feed. In order to reduce the amount of exposure, the worker shall be following the ADNOC COPV2-09 as a guidelines such as monitoring, workers protection requirements and transport of NORM contaminated equipment. Moreover, the Gamma elements will be moving from the upstream to downstream which will be reaching the gas processing units. So, it is recommended to have regular inspection for the radioactive materials specially the glycol unit will observed most of the moisture on the process which can be containing the radiation elements. Reference: Heath Safety and Environmental Management Manual Of Codes of Practice, Volume 2: Environmental protection, ADNCO-COPV2-09†Guideline on management of naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM)†. CRP-HSE-10-39, â€Å"ADCO NORM Management Procedureâ€
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
ark Twain’s novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: Twain Huck Finn
A home is normally portrayed as a dwelling in which a person feels safe and is able to be themselves. In Mark Twain’s novel, The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn, Huck, the protagonist, thinks of the river as his home. All his life the shore has had negative connotations, but after he moves to the river, everything changes for the better. While on land, he is brutalized by his father, forced into conformity by Miss Watson, and a witness to a murder. While on the river, he finds his family and learns to relax. There are many examples of family in the novel, some functional, others figurative. When Huck is on the land, he encounters many different types of families; including his relationship with his father, Pap. Pap has many views about how Huck should be raised, including his belief that Huck should not be taught to read; â€Å"You’re educated, too, they say; can read and write. You think you’re better’n your father, now, don’t you, because he can’t?... I’ll lay for you, my smarty; and if I catch you about that school, I’ll tan you good†(18). Pap’s reaction to Huck’s education is appalling. As a father, he should only have Huck’s best interest at mind, not concentrating on keeping his child illiterate. Unfortunately, this is not the only example of familial dysfunction we see in the novel. When Huck loses Jim in the water, he washes up and is found by the Grangerfords. This animalistic family is feuding with a neighboring clan, the Shepherdsons, when neither side knows the actual root of the argument. These two families are heartless, and even though they seem civilized enough with their formalities and nice houses, they are savages. Death is a common occurrence, towards which an eyelash never batted. Huck meets his counterpart, Buck, and soon sees how deranged this family really is with the death of Mr. Grangerford. â€Å"[Buck] said his father and his two brothers was killed..Buck said his father and brothers ought to waited for their relations-- the Shepherdsons were too strong for them†(97). Even though Huck feels like he fits in with the Grangerfords, he is horrified at the way they view the deaths of their kinsmen. When Buck dies, Huck becomes very upset, solely because one of the few people who he has cared about is dead. Although Huck feels an attachment to the Grangerfords, they do not function as a family and do not treat him accordingly.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Impact of Television Advertisement on Buying Behaviour of Adolescents Essay
Market arena in India has been witnessing several changes in character and complexity since the last few years. These changes include a higher reach of mass media, particularly due to an increased penetration of satellite channels, availability of a greater assortment of products and services, a higher level of consumer spending on items other than basic necessities, a more discerning choice behavior exhibited by consumer preference for better value in products and services. A gradual development of the economy has indeed influenced these changes. However, the most important impetus for the transformation of markets is the visible increase in competition. Given these signals, the key question vexing most companies is: how does one compete and grow in rapidly changing and competitive markets? The answer is Television Advertisement. Television the great invention of J. K. Baird has today became a mass media of modern communication; as a result there has been an increase in great amount of commercial propaganda. Today’s producer invests huge amount of money on TV advertisement and in finding new ways of attracting consumers towards his products. As a result consumerism is the new religion of the day. Consumerism is having great effect on various groups of the society. Adolescents are the important group of the society. So, it will be of great use to find-out how television advertising affects them? In the city consumerism had already begun to spin its web. Adolescents are the main targets of this, which attempts to change their consumption pattern, lifestyle & views. Consumerism is also influencing adolescent’s buying behaviour & higher desire of acquiring luxurious goods in their future-life. In short the producer of today is trying to capture the market by focusing its special attention towards adverting by keeping adolescents in their point of view. The best example of consumerism is advertising strategy adopted by China for capturing market. Their main focus is on adolescents. China has gained great share in the international market due to adverting its adolescents-related products. They became successful in earning foreign revenue just by changing adolescent’s psychology through advertising. This example of China depicts how a growth rate in economy is accelerated by mere advertising for adolescents. In 1991 Indian Government introduced new ‘Industrial Policy’ and adopted the concept of ‘Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization, as a result there is rapid growth in Industrialization. Many foreign and multinational companies entered into Indian market to sell their products. To capture the market many producers are engaged in advertising their products on Television. TV advertisements are displayed in a very attractive manner. Generally the help of film stars and cricket stars is taken for advertising the products. This strategy of the producers is having a great impact on buying behavior of adolescents. Adolescents get easily attracted towards these TV advertisements and try to follow their favorite film stars and cricket stars. TV advertisements are playing a crucial role in changing the buying behavior of adolescents. Today adolescents prefer to buy luxurious goods and desires to live a comfortable life in future. Today there is a drastic change in eating and clothing habits of adolescents due to TV advertisements as a result there is increased profitability of the producers. Meaning of Basic Terms Adolescence Adolescence (lat adolescere,(to) grow) is a transitional stage of physical and mental human development that occurs between childhood and adulthood. This transition involves biological (i. e. pubertal), social, and psychological changes, though the biological or physiological ones are the easiest to measure objectively. Historically, puberty has been heavily associated with teenagers and the onset of adolescent development. [1][2][3][4] In recent years, however, the start of puberty has seen an increase in preadolescence and extension beyond the teenage years, making adolescence less simple to discern. 1][5][2] The end of adolescence and the beginning of adulthood varies by country as well as by function, as even within a single country there will be different ages at which an individual is considered mature enough to be entrusted with particular tasks, such as driving a vehicle, having sexual relations, serving in the armed forces, voting, or marrying. Also, adolescence is usually accompanied by an increased independence allowed by the parents or legal guardians and less supervision, contrary to the preadolescence stage. Puberty Puberty is the stage of the lifespan in which a child develops secondary sex characteristics (for example a deeper voice or larger adam’s apple in boys, and development of breasts and more curved and prominent hips in girls) as his or her hormonal balance shifts strongly towards an adult state. This is triggered by the pituitary gland, which secretes a surge of hormones, such as testosterone (boys) or estrogen and progesterone (girls) into the blood stream and begins the rapid maturation of the gonads: the girl’s ovaries and the boy’s testicles. Some boys may develop Gynecomastia due to an imbalance of sex hormones, tissue responsiveness or obesity. Put simply, puberty is the time when a child’s body starts changing into an adult’s body. The onset of puberty in girls appears to be related to body fat percentage. Girls start going through puberty earlier than boys, although there have been cases of boys having signs of puberty as early as the age of 9. The average age for girls to start puberty is 10-12 while the average age for boys to start puberty is 12-14. Adolescent psychology Adolescent psychology is associated with notable changes in mood sometimes known as mood swings. Cognitive, emotional and attitudinal changes which are characteristic of adolescence, often take place during this period, and this can be a cause of conflict on one hand and positive personality development on the other. Because the adolescents are experiencing various strong cognitive and physical changes, for the first time in their lives they may start to view their friends, their peer group, as more important and influential than their parents/guardians. Because of peer pressure, they may sometimes indulge in activities not deemed socially acceptable, although this may be more of a social phenomenon than a psychological one. [6] This overlap is addressed within the study of psychosociology. The home is an important aspect of adolescent psychology: home environment and family have a substantial impact on the developing minds of teenagers, and these developments may reach a climax during adolescence. For example, abusive parents may lead a child to â€Å"poke fun†at other classmates when he/she is seven years old or so, but during adolescence, it may become progressively orse, for example, the child may now be using drugs or becoming intolerably violent among other classmates. If the concepts and theory behind right or wrong were not established early on in a child’s life, the lack of this knowledge may impair a teenager’s ability to make beneficial decisions as well as allowing his/her impulses to control his/her decisions. In the search for a unique social identity for themselves, adolescents are frequently confused about what is ‘right’ and what is ‘wrong. ‘ G. Stanley Hall denoted this period as one of â€Å"Storm and Stress†and, according to him, conflict at this developmental stage is normal and not unusual. Margaret Mead, on the other hand, attributed the behavior of adolescents to their culture and upbringing. [7] However, Piaget, attributed this stage in development with greatly increased cognitive abilities; at this stage of life the individual’s thoughts start taking more of an abstract form and the egocentric thoughts decrease, hence the individual is able to think and reason in a wider perspective. 8] Positive psychology is sometimes brought up when addressing adolescent psychology as well. This approach towards adolescents refers to providing them with motivation to become socially acceptable and notable individuals, since many adolescents find themselves bored, indecisive and/or unmotivated. [9] Adolescents may be subject to peer pressure within their adolescent time span, consisting of the need to have sex, consume alcoholic beverages, use drugs, defy their parental figures, or commit any activity in which the person who is subjected to may not deem appropriate, among other things. Peer pressure is a common experience between adolescents and may result briefly or on a larger scale. It should also be noted that adolescence is the stage of a psychological breakthrough in a person’s life when the cognitive development is rapid[10] and the thoughts, ideas and concepts developed at this period of life greatly influence the individual’s future life, playing a major role in character and personality formation. [11] Struggles with adolescent identity and depression usually set in when an adolescent experiences a loss. The most important loss in their lives is the changing relationship between the adolescent and their parents. Adolescents may also experience strife in their relationships with friends. This may be because of things their friends do, such as smoking, that they feel if they don’t do, they’ll lose their friendship. Teen depression can be extremely intense at times because of physical and hormonal changes but emotional instability is part of being a teenager. Their changing mind, body and relationships often present themselves as stressful and that change, they assume, is something to be feared. [12] Views of family relationships during adolescence are changing. The old view of family relationships during adolescence put an emphasis on conflict and disengagement and thought storm and stress was normal and even inevitable. However, the new view puts emphasis on transformation or relationships and maintenance of connectedness. Consumer behavior
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Definition, Discussion, and Examples of Close Reading
Definition, Discussion, and Examples of Close Reading Close reading is a thoughtful, disciplined reading of a text. Also called close analysis and explication de texte. Though close reading is commonly associated with New Criticism (a movement that dominated literary studies in the U.S. from the 1930s to the 1970s), the method is ancient. It was advocated by the Roman rhetorician Quintilian in his Institutio Oratoria (c. 95 AD). Close reading remains a fundamental critical method practiced in diverse ways by a wide range of readers in different disciplines. (As discussed below, close reading is a skill thats encouraged by the new Common Core State Standards Initiative in the U.S.) One form of close reading is rhetorical analysis. Observations English studies is founded on the notion of close reading, and while there was a period in the late 1970s and early 1980s when this idea was frequently disparaged, it is undoubtedly true that nothing of any interest can happen in this subject without close reading.(Peter Barry, Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory, 2nd ed. Manchester University Press, 2002) Francine Prose on Close Reading We all begin as close readers. Even before we learn to read, the process of being read aloud to, and of listening, is one in which we are taking in one word after another, one phrase at a time, in which we are paying attention to whatever each word or phrase is transmitting. Word by word is how we learn to hear and then read, which seems only fitting, because it is how the books we are reading were written in the first place. The more we read, the faster we can perform that magic trick of seeing how the letters have been combined into words that have meaning. The more we read, the more we comprehend, the more likely we are to discover new ways to read, each one tailored to the reason why we are reading a particular book.(Francine Prose, Reading Like a Writer: A Guide for People Who Love Books and for Those Who Want to Write Them. HarperCollins, 2006) The New Criticism and Close Reading In its analyses, new criticism . . . focuses on phenomena such as multiple meaning, paradox, irony, word play, puns, or rhetorical figures, whichas the smallest distinguishable elements of a literary workform interdependent links with the overall context. A central term often used synonymously with new criticism is close reading. It denotes the meticulous analysis of these elementary features, which mirror larger structures of a text.(Mario Klarer, An Introduction to Literary Studies, 2nd ed. Routledge, 2004) The Aims of Close Reading [A] rhetorical text appears to hideto draw attention away fromits constitutive strategies and tactics. Consequently, close readers have to employ some mechanism for piercing the veil that covers the text so as to see how it works. . . . The principal object of close reading is to unpack the text. Close readers linger over words, verbal images, elements of style, sentences, argument patterns, and entire paragraphs and larger discursive units within the text to explore their significance on multiple levels.(James Jasinski, Sourcebook on Rhetoric: Key Concepts in Contemporary Rhetorical Studies. Sage, 2001) [I]n the traditional view, close reading does not aim to produce the meaning of the text, but rather to unearth all possible types of ambiguities and ironies.(Jan van Looy and Jan Baetens, Introduction: Close Reading Electronic Literature. Close Reading New Media: Analyzing Electronic Literature. Leuven University Press, 2003) What, really, does a critical close reader do that the average person on the street does not do? I argue that the close-reading critic reveals meanings that are shared but not universally and also meanings that are known but not articulated. The benefit of revealing such meanings is to teach or enlighten those who hear or read the critique. . . . The critics job is to uncover these meanings in such a way that people have an aha! moment in which they suddenly agree to the reading, the meanings the critic suggests suddenly come into focus. The standard of success for the close reader who is also a critic is therefore the enlightenment, insights, and agreement of those who hear or read what he or she has to say.(Barry Brummett, Techniques of Close Reading. Sage, 2010) Close Reading and the Common Core Chez Robinson, eighth-grade Language Arts teacher and part of the leadership team at Pomolita Middle School, says, Its a process; educators are still learning about it. . . . Close reading is one strategy being implemented for teaching students higher level thinking skills, focusing on depth rather than breadth. You take a piece of text, fiction or non-fiction, and you and your students examine it closely, she says. In the classroom, Robinson introduces the overall purpose of the reading assignment and then has students work independently and in partners and groups to share what they have learned. They circle words that are confusing or unknown, write out questions, use exclamation marks for ideas that surprise, underline key points. . . . Robinson uses examples from Langston Hughes work, especially rich in figurative language, and refers specifically to his poem, The Negro Speaks of Rivers. Together, she and her students investigate each line, each stanza, piece by piece, leading to deeper levels of understanding. She plays an interview with him, assigns a five-paragraph essay on the Harlem Renaissance. Its not that this hasnt been done before, she says, but Common Core is bringing a new focus to the strategies.(Karen Rifkin, Common Core: New Ideas for Teachingand for Learning. The Ukiah Daily Journal, May 10, 2014) The Fallacy in Close Reading There is a small but immitigable fallacy in the theory of close reading, . . . and it applies to political journalism as well as to the reading of poetry. The text doesn’t reveal its secrets just by being stared at. It reveals its secrets to those who already pretty much know what secrets they expect to find. Texts are always packed, by the reader’s prior knowledge and expectations, before they are unpacked. The teacher has already inserted into the hat the rabbit whose production in the classroom awes the undergraduates.(Louis Menand, Out of Bethlehem. The New Yorker, August 24, 2015)
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Test of the Declaration of Independence essays
Test of the Declaration of Independence essays The Tests of the Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776, one of Americas shining jewel. Created by the philoshophy of great minds, such as John Locke, and Jean Jacques Rousseau. How did it all play out in Americas history? The test of time had shown the Declaration its full potential. Events such as the Civil War, and Reconstruction had tested the documents will. These events though had a huge affect on the Declaration of Independence. Harsh events though had only made the country stronger though. Democracy has many forms. Some believed in a pure democracy where the people run the government. Jean Jacque Rousseau had thought of such things. He believed that the people had the power to control themselves and the government. Others however thought that a republic democracy was the way to go. John Locke was such a man, that he believed that the people should choose to whom should be in charge. He however believed that people had a natural right, and that right is the right of freedom life and property. Locke says that all rules and laws must answer to the natural rights. From the Declaration of Independence spawned the Constitution. The Constitution had givin people the natural rights that Mr. Locke had spoken of. The Constitution had touched on many topics about the troubles that the British rule had on. It gave people power and rights that they could have only dreamed of having. The freedom of speech, the right of a fair trial, such rights were unheard of at that time. These were the natural rights that people had, and that people should live on. However the test of how well the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution would work came in the form of a Civil War. The events that lead up to it contridicted the both of the documents. Such as the slave trade, treating the slaves so poorly, as if they were property instead of actual people. Though not ev ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Discussions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Discussions - Essay Example Newsweek translates Obama’s intention as: "I will go only if we can win; I dont want to be photographed losing." Copenhagen was to have been the most important international conference after Kyoto, because it was expected to produce a treaty updating the targets set during that earlier conference. It will be recalled that the Kyoto Protocol is an international environmental treaty adopted in December of 1997 and which entered into force in February of 2005. The Protocol called for industrialized countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 5.2% from their 1990 levels. Today, 187 countries have signed and ratified the protocol. Significantly, the only industrialized nation in the world who adamantly refuses to sign the treaty is that country responsible for 36.1% of world emissions – the United States of America. What is one to make of this, except America’s apparent disinterest in the future of the world environment? Certainly, its importance is not lost on the new US President, inasmuch as he made climate change a cornerstone of his campaign platform. From the new President’s actuations and flimsy reasons, it appears this was all lip service, and that in this great country, the welfare of future generations has already lost to political agenda, selfish economic interests, and the desire to avoid being â€Å"photographed losing.†The Presidency of the United States used to stand as a symbol of principled governance in the face of global threats, as the USA used to be a beacon of all that is right and good in a dark, oppressive world. When Obama gets photographed receiving his Nobel prize for nothing in particular, he should remember that recently another American democrat received his Nobel for fighting against global warming. He should also realize that, image-enhancing or not, it is his duty not only as his nation’s
Saturday, November 2, 2019
WK5-Critque Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
WK5-Critque - Essay Example Most of these articrafts were collected and donated by the curator and founder, Dr. David Pilgrim. The Jim Crow museum also owns a website link that serves as a valuable educational resource for research scholars at national as well as international levels. The website is very simple in layout and design. With a bold title description at the top, the format of the articles presents a clear and readable font size with a number of pictorial illustrations. There is no link, advertisement or content pasted on both sides of the article to avoid reader’s distraction. However, one has to move back to the main menu page for navigating to another article or resource. The information is well structured with bullets, numbering and headings for clarity. One of the most notable merits of the presented information is the acknowledgement of the sources in-text as well as at the end of the articles. The sources used are mostly from the scholarly journals and accredited books supporting the au thenticity of the information. Apart from several merits, the update information is not mentioned anywhere for the website or individual resources. The sources for the incorporated images are also not mentioned that makes it difficult for research scholars to track unbiased opinion. However, undoubtedly, the website is serving as a good learning and teaching resource.
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